Are Customers Getting Certainty and Confidence from The Sales Process?

If your sales process isn't focused on creating value for the customer, you may be missing an opportunity to stand out.

Cement competitive advantage by capturing and using the customer's view of the buying experience.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Do Customers Want? C-Lens Index Data Tells Us The Answers

Ahhh.  That old question.  “The customer rarely buys what the company thinks it is selling to them.”  Peter Drucker.  Yes, Peter, but what do they buy?

After looking at what high performing sales people and high performing companies actually do in the sales process, the conclusion is pretty clear.  The sales process creates value for customers both in the buying process and in the relationship that follows.  Whether the customer is buying socks, legal services or airplanes, the same principle holds:  If the customer gains a sense of certainty and confidence from the relationship, then that is value-added.  The customer gets more than widgets, much more.

We're going to focus on that process.  Even better, we're going to share data we collect using the C-Lens Index Sales Process Improvement platform.  Yes, real data from customers describing what is important to them when they buy.  Measurement and data from the Voice of the Customer can point the way.  

But before we get too far into the story, let's wonder out loud.  What do you think customers want from the sales process in this "unusual" market of early 2010? Thoughts?

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